Canada Pardon Services
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Canada Pardon Services specializes in assisting any person with Canadian criminal records to obtain the Canadian Pardon and the U.S. Entry Restriction Waivers.

Get your
Federal Pardon
American Waiver
Waiver Application
US Entry Waiver Form
Online Pardon Evaluation
Pardon Services Canada
Call Toll Free: 1-866-630-3660

Our Fees ($495 + HST)

Anyone wishing to benefit from our services must be suitable for the Pardon.

Also note that our fees include all costs from the federal government and the following fees:

  • RCMP criminal conviction report
  • Court information and requests
  • RCMP record check fee
  • National Parole Board mailing
  • Administration and handling of your file

Expenses relating to the fingerprints, police record check and National Parole Board petitioning are extra.


  • Payment plans are at your disposal to provide easy access to the service, you can do monthly payment (146.66 plus HST).
  • Fees are not established by the number or the nature of the offences

We accept the following as means of payment:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Cheques
  • Money orders.
  • Note you can start the process by monthly payment from $65 for the pardon or the waiver

  • *** the rcmp fees is covered if the fingerprints are done as an ink only- court fees are covered if its under $20-local police is covered if the applicant has moved to a different province.

Pardon Fees
“A Pardon is evidence of the fact that a conviction should no longer reflect adversely on that person’s character,
and removes any disqualifications to which the individual is subjected “
National Parole Board
  Learn more about
The Pardon can help you in:
  • Traveling to USA / other countries
  • Applying for a job and career advancement
  • Working as a volunteer
  • Rental approvals
  • Child custody cases
  • Working with kids
  • Adoption
  • Education opportunities
  • Your ability to be bonded
Pardon Guaranteed
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